Black Octopus – Biomoprhic 128 Xfer Serum presets (SYNTH PRESET)

By | July 20, 2018


Publisher : Black Octopus
Website :
Format : WAV, FXP
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : The future is here with the sounds of Biomorph. This package contains 128 presets for Xfer Serum from Toby Emerson. All the presets have been carefully processed and manufactured with great care, each of them has an impressive sound and ease of use. Beginners will feel at home, immersed in these sounds, and advanced users will appreciate the speed of creating new sounds, comparing with their tracks, several turns of controls. Many of the neural sounds were designed with modulation in mind and can be connected to each other to create more complex and interesting sounds. The bass sounds in many forms from smooth and deeply aggressive to harsh and will fit many styles, including electro, dubstep and funk. Lidas synthesizers and Chillout sounds fill this package and give the user a diverse selection of sounds. The FLP project was included in this pack to learn and get ideas on how to use these sounds in your work.

Additional Information:
Finally I found these magnificent presets for Serum, and now, I share them with you

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