Audio Imperia – Nailstrom Cigar Box Guitar (KONTAKT)

By | January 16, 2017


Nailstrom is a cigar box guitar that was built and extensively sampled, capturing all of its strange quirks and nuances. Nailstrom utilizes nails for frets, which makes for a very temperamental tone, ranging from clear plucked notes to harsh, gritty bowing.

Nailstrom includes 4 main articulations: Plucked, Picked, Bowed, and Tremolo, as well as a set of 9 synth articulations created by processing and mangling the original recordings. The custom interface is designed to allow a user to dial in fret noise and resonance, and shape the instrument’s tone. The morph and ambience effects provide textural sound design, which can be good for creating beautiful ambient sounds.

4 Main Articulations (Plucked, Picked, Bowed, Tremolo)
10 Synth Articulations
Individual Patches for all Articulations
12 Effects Patches
1.6 GB installed


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