Ample Sound – Ample Guitar M III 3.01 (VSTi, VSTi3, AAX) [Win x64]

By | March 1, 2019


Year / Release Date : 02.2019
Version : 3.01
Developer : Ample Sound
Developer website : amplesound
Format : VSTi, VSTi3, AAX
Digit capacity : 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : 5 GB of free hard disk space. Windows Vista or newer, Pentium 4 or Athlon processor with 2 GB RAM

Description : The goal of Ample Guitar M III is to bring the sound of the Martin D-41 Acoustic Guitar to your studio.
Riffer :
String Roll Editor : can clearly display fingering, articulation, expressiveness, and even noise when playing. Each note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can play a very sensitive strum.
Dice – Random Riff Generator : with one click you create a new inspiration, because it is not just a random algorithm. Rather, it analyzes a variety of musical scores.
Multiple Formats Conversion : Conversion between multiple Riff, MIDI, Tab formats, each fingering, articulation, expression, humanization will be automatically converted to a MIDI switch and controller.
Strummer :
• Real strumming samples.
• 14 strumming notes + 28 ways to play each chord.
• Strum Legato – Legato articulations can be played during strumming.
• 4 humanization settings.
• Select and define 2 chord modes; any chords can be customized.
• Equalizer with individual strumming rhythm.
• Graceful presets with support for Drag & Drop.
Effects :
High order 8-band EQ – intuitive control of the frequency response, visualization of the spectrum of the input and output signals in real time, support for a single band.
2-Line Compressor – real-time visualization of input and output signals, two RMS & Peak detection modes, soft knee support, auto power off and auto trim.
6-Tap Echo – real-time visualization of stereo signal processing, can individually adjust the parameters of 6 echo aspects: feedback, panning, volume, etc.
IR Reverb – providing four types of response pulses: Room, Studio, Hall and Great Hall. 3D visualization of pulse spectra.
Tab Reader :
Tab Player – can download and play several common tablature file formats on the guitar. Users can download, display, and play any specific track within a tab file. When used in a DAW Tab Player also allows users to export tabs as an audio file. Tab Player supports all fingerings, loops, chords, articulations and other markers in the loaded tablature. Supported articulations include: Strum, Natural Harmonic, Artificial Harmonic, Hammer On / Pull Off, Trill, Bend, Tremolo Bar, Legato Slide, Slide In, Slide Out, Vibrato, Tremolo Picking, Palm Mute, Popping, Tapping, Let Ring , Staccato, Dead Note, Grace Note, Ghost Note, Accentuated Note, Fade In, etc. etc.
As a built-in feature, Tab Player works seamlessly with the Ample Sound instrumental engine, which has an extremely customizable guitar logic that allows you to simulate realism. Tab Player can even “decide” when to automatically add some clarifying articulations, when he considers it appropriate, for example, slashes for strings or the body of a guitar, or other realistic and necessary sounds.
Strumming is an important factor in playing the guitar. Using the Ample Guitar Strummer engine, Tab Player can not only mix different articulations, but can also alternate simultaneous playing on several strings (that is, several notes) and playing on a specific string (that is, one note).

Installation and Activation:

1. From I.A. run the library installer.exe and install the library
2. From I.A. run install AGM_3_0_1_Installer.exe and install the tool
3. From I.A. start activator activate.exe, click on “Activate”. Fill in User ID & Key Code fields with Latin letters or leave them empty and click “Activate”

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