AKAI – Peter Siedlaczek’s Advanced Orchestra Brass & Effects (AKAI, WAV, AIFF)

By | November 18, 2024


Manufacturer : AKAI
Series name : Peter Siedlaczek’s Advanced Orchestra
Website : http://www.soundonsound.com
Quality : 16 bit Frequency: 44.1 kHz Channels: stereo/mono

Description : The collection contains programs and samples of brass instruments (3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 4 French horns, trumpet, piccolo trumpet, trombone, French horn and tuba). Plus effects (glissando, vibrato, muted sounds and other characteristic touches)

Content :
image (NRG) AKAI-CD (Partition/Volume/Programs/Samples)
3 Tpts: sus (ff & pp), sus cr, stc <2>, ft, fast gls down, trip.
3 Tbns: sus (ff & pp), sus mt, sus cr, stc <2>, ft, tr, short gls up, short gls down.
4 Fhns: sus (ff & pp), sus cr, stc <2>, ft cr, double gls up (octave), oct gls <2>, gls up mut, trip.
Tpt (M): sus (f & p), sus mut, sus cr, ‘mouthpiece’ (= sus with comedy vibrato), stc <2>, stc mut <2>, ft cr, gr <4>, tr < 2>, mor <4>, fast & slow gls down <2>, gls down mut, valve flutter (= fast reiterated note), valve flutter mut, pickup phrase, trip.
Ptp (M): sus (f), st <2>, gr <4 x 2>, tr <2>, mor <4 x 2>.
Tbn (M): sus (f & p), sus cr, stc <2>, stc (f & pp) <2>, fast oct gls up, fast minor 3rd slide up, slow slide up, slow slide down.
Fhn (M): sus (f & p), stc <2>, ft cr, tr, glis up, trip.
Tba (M): sus (f & p), stc <2>, ft.

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