Ableton – Live 12 v12.0b20 U2B – BETA [OSX]

By | December 19, 2023


Year of manufacture: 2023
Version: Beta 12.0b20 U2B
Developer: Ableton
Developer website: Live 12
Platform: Intel/Apple Silicon Universal
Interface language: English
Tablet: License File
System requirements: • macOS 11.0 and later • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

Description: Ableton Live is a fast, smooth and flexible software music sequencer and digital audio workstation for music creation and performance. It comes with effects, instruments, sounds and all sorts of creative features – everything you need to create any type of music.
Create in a traditional linear arrangement or improvise without timeline restrictions in Live Session View. Move freely between musical elements and play with ideas without stopping the music or interrupting your flow

Version 12.0b20
Live – Bug fixes:
Fixed an issue that occurred when dragging notes while editing multiple clips at once, which could result in corrupted documents with the error message “Note IDs are not unique.”
Fixed an issue where renaming files in the Clips, Samples, or Grooves categories would cause the Live Browser to open the user library.
Fixed an issue that caused mapped keys to not work correctly when used in key combinations, such as the [ALT] key.
On Mac, we fixed an issue that caused video export to fail if the time range selected for export did not contain video. The export now completes successfully and creates a completely black video.
Double-clicking the piano roll key when the MIDI Note Editor is in collapse mode and there are more active key tracks than can fit on the screen will now zoom the editor to fit the key tracks containing notes rather than all active key tracks.
Modulated sliders (such as mixer sliders) now use the modulation color for the dot indicator.
Volume meters for meters in MIDI tracks are now correctly bottom-aligned, eliminating potential issues with partially visible LEDs.
Fixed an issue where selecting a track that contained a drum rack would cause the session view to scroll to the last selected chain.
Fixed an issue where the arpeggiator device would not use the full range of the Steps parameter when the pattern is set to Random.
Fixed a crash that could occur when entering macro map mode under certain circumstances.
When running a new version of Live for the first time, Live sometimes copied settings and pulled information from a user-created copy of the old settings directory. This may result in symptoms such as loss of settings or the need to re-authorize in real time depending on the contents of the user’s copy. This behavior has now been corrected.

Add. Info: Please note that for Mac installations, Live 12 is only supported on macOS Big Sur or higher.

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