Native Instruments – VC 160 1.0.0 VST.RTAS.AAX x86 x64

By | March 24, 2016



A member of the VINTAGE COMPRESSORS Series, the VC 160 is based on one of the most famous VCA compressors found in studios all over the world. The VC 160 provides a continuously-adjustable threshold range and a compression ratio from 1:1 right up to infinity while still offering intuitive controls for immediate usability.

The VC 160 is mostly used for mixing drums, adding a definitive ‘thwack’ or ‘knock’ to even the dullest kick and snare. Also helpful as a mix-fix for troublesome bass, the VC 160 delivers additional attack and a gritty edge — well-suited to hip hop and retro styles, but versatile enough to deliver exciting results on a wide range of productions


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