8Dio – Rhythmic Aura Vol.1 Acoustic (KONTAKT)

By | January 9, 2016


This volume is entirely created from acoustic source material made by Academy Award Winning composer, Troels Folmann. Rhythmic Aura consists of over 540 organic arpeggiations coming in 10 different source categories created with source material from live orchestra, 7 and 8 string electric guitars, semi-acoustic guitars, electric violin, electric mandolin, voices, tuned percussion and tons of extreme sound design – all processed through a huge variety of amps and mastered to perfection. The majority of the library is tune based and keyswitches allows you to sculpt the aura to the key of your compositions, while other keyswitches allows you to trigger FX (ex. delay, filter, lofi, stereo field etc). Rhythmic Aura allows you to create compositions from scratch, but it can also be used as an underscoring tool allowing composers to quickly β€œdress” their compositions to perfection.



Hybrid Scoring Tool focused on organic arpeggiations

Direct download / Cloud Server System

Product only available as download

Core Articulations

Alternative Strings and 6 String Bass Auras

Electric Banjo and Electric Violin Auras

Electric Guitar and Electro-Acoustic Guitar Auras

Live Orchestra and Vocal based Auras

Tuned Percussion and Brain of Troels Auras

Core Requirements

Full Retail version of Kontakt 4.2 or later required

1.3GB harddrive space

PC 2.0GZ+, 2GB ram

MAC 2.0Ghz, 2GB ram


torent magnet

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