8Dio Studio Vocals Jenifer (KONTAKT)

By | July 6, 2017


8Dio Studio Vocal Series Jenifer marks a new generation of solo vocal products with incredible playability, expression and realism. Jenifer was produced by Emmy Nominated Composer, Colin O’Malley and features the accomplished soprano, Jenifer Thigpen. Jenifer is known for her work with Disney’s “Voices of Liberty” and her extensive touring with “Women of Faith”. In addition she has done work with a large selection of artists, including Two Steps from Hell and many others.

Studio Vocal Series Jenifer was created with new legato techniques that are more fluent, expressive and playable. We intuitively programmed several legatos into velocity layers, so you can get more subtle and more nuanced expression depending on how hard you press the keys. It all works effortlessly without the need for additional controllers. The final result is a completely fluent experience that just works. In addition we also recorded phrases in specific keys and BPM.

You can easily change speed, dynamics, sample offset and pitch of any phrase and completely have it designed to match your composition. We also included a large assortment of performance based arcs that offers additional tools of expression to the deep-sampled legato and phrases.

Studio Vocal Series Jenifer also contains our new Chaos FX 3.0 system that offers you an extensively selection of custom convolutions from some of our preferred hall environments and more unique sound design type of convolutions.

The end-result is the most expressive solo vocals currently available on the market and is the first of several releases in the series. You can read more about Jenifer Thigpens extensive career by referring to the product documentation or clicking here.

Jenifer Legato
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All legatos are captured as complete phrases for each interval and some even contains multiple sets of true legatos staggered in velocities. You’ll hear the natural way she sang each note, flowing from the interval transition to her sustain and vibrato. By pressing the sustain pedal, Jenifer will sing a longer note. Generally we recommend using the “natural”legato, but depress your sustain pedal when a longer duration is needed. For slower tempos writing with the sustain pedal entirely down will also work well. Jenifer contains three main legato types: Ah Legato, Ah Flower (Operatic) Legato and Uh Legato. The Ah Legatos are designed so you get a softer/portamento based legato on soft playing and a faster, lyrical sound on harder playing. These are actual different legato recordings layered.

Jenifer Phrases
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Jenifer recorded a variety of phrases in different keys and styles. Rather than random improvisations, we approached the phrases as if we were writing a piece for her. They’re grouped by key in phrase “cells” and have a consistent tempo/BPM. You’ll quickly hear how the various phrases work together in a cohesive manner. She is not singing in any particular language. We chose syllables that worked for the flow and emotion we were after. We also added controls, so you can control time-stretch/compression, dynamics, sample start offset and pitch – all right at your finger tips. Jenifer contains 10 different phrase banks, which are each labeled with both BPM and core note. We also have pitch control on the lower part of your keyboard.

Jenifer Arcs
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Jenifer also contains a large section of expressive arcs, which we also have in our Adagio, Adagietto and Claire Series. These are expressive notes of various durations. They are great for sketching out ideas. They also make really interesting organic pads. Jenifer contains ten different types of arcs all designed to mesh with legato and phrases. The arcs are all recorded as AH and UH, including short, medium and longer arcs – some sung normally and others with a more airy/ethereal quality to them.

Chaos FX 3.0
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Jenifer also contains parts from our new 3.0 FX CHAOS Engine. We added flexible and dynamic EQ controls, a dual-stereo delay and two types of convolution reverbs. The first one is “Transform” which contains a variety of exclusive sound design impulses. This allows you to create otherworldly textures with Jenifer. The other one is “Reverb”, which contains a larger selection of custom hall impulses recorded in some of our favorite environments. All the FX can be assigned to any CC of your choice.

•Studio Vocal Series: Jenifer
•Exquisite Legato and Phrase Soprano Vocals
•Featuring Jenifer Thigpen
•Recorded with state-of-the-art vocal mic and Manley preamps
•Chaos 3.0 FX System w/ custom convolution
•New Custom Legato Techniques





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