8Dio – Copperphone (KONTAKT)

By | July 26, 2024


Publisher: 8Dio
Website: www.8dio.com
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: The Copperphone is an instrument made from 12 modified copper pipes. The sound of the instrument is similar to the sounds of bells and metal marimba. Copperphone contains 5 core, carefully sampled articulations created using soft, hard and wooden hammers.

Content :
Core Articulations
•Copperphone Hard- and Soft Mallet
•Copperphone Wooden Stick and Muted
•Copperphone played with Finger Nails
•Custom Convolution Reverbs
•Copperphone Ambiences

•Deep-Sampled Custom Copperphone Instrument
•Copperphone Hard Mallet (x 8 round robin)
•Copperphone Soft Mallet (x 8 round robin)
•Copperphone Wooden Mallet (x 8 round robin)
•Copperphone Muted (x 8 round robin)
•Copperphone Fingernails (x 8 round robin)
•Custom Patches with different FX Types
•Bonus: 15 Custom Copperphone Ambiences
•Several Custom Convolution Reverb(s)/Impulses
•Modwheel control of filter on certain MW Patches

•37 Kontakt.nki files
•2030 samples
•1.4 GB installed (compressed from 2.5GB)
•24 bit / 44.1 kHz stereo .NCW Compression Format
•Sample resolution: 44.1Khz / 24Bit stereo
•Format(s): Kontakt / .NCW Compression

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