8Dio – Claire Alto Flute Virtuoso (KONTAKT)

By | February 6, 2024


Publisher: 8Dio
Website: 8Dio
Quality: 24 bit 96 kHz stereo

Description: Welcome to our Claire Virtuoso Woodwind series, created by Emmy nominated composer Colin O’Malley. The Claire Woodwind series is a deep collection of the finest woodwind virtuoso soloists. These are very playable instruments filled with sincere emotions, easy and balanced demeanor.

Our Alto Flute Virtuoso is the most expressive, playable and lifelike Alto-Flute ever sampled. The Alto Flute Virtuoso VST was recorded in a symphonic hall and contains three microphone positions (Close, Decca, Wide). The core of the instrument is its highly advanced legato system, which includes both lyrical and strong legato. The legato system allows you to play legato with passionate arcs and sustains. We recorded arcs with both light, medium, and strong vibrato, so you can freely sculpt your performance from the subtle to vibrant. Also, we also added trills, runs, staccatissimo, marcato and even non-tonal effects like breaths, valve sounds, and natural click noises, etc.
Advanced legato
Claire Alto-Flute Virtuoso is based on a highly intuitive, playable and expressive legato system. We sampled a variety of different types of dramatic arcs that are all connected to the legato system, so you can go between sustains that are gentle (p-mp), to strong (f-ff) or sustain types with less or more vibrato. All these articulations can seamlessly be connected while you are playing using our highly advanced legato system.
Claire Alto Flute Virtuoso contains three microphone positions (Close, Decca, Wide) and everything was sampled at 96Khz, which provides an unprecedented detail in the sound and reveal details that would otherwise have been lost at lower resolutions. The fidelity of the library is especially revealing once you start combining the microphones and hear the warmth of the instrument, reflections of the room, the air and all the tiny, little details so often missed.

2 Different Types of Solo Legato (Lyrical & Strong)
Legato Articulation Types:
-Legato Natural
-Legato Medium 1
-Legato Medium 2
-Legato Strong 1
-Legato Strong 2
-Legato Sustain X-Fade
-Legato Staccatissimo
-Legato Marcato Expressivo
Sustains MW / Crossfade Controlled
Marcato expressivo
2nd Minor Trill
2rd Major Trill
1 Octave Runs Up / Down
2 Octave Runs Up / Down

Bonus: 2nd player option
Bonus: Breath Samples
Bonus: Valve / Click Samples
-Hyper Expressive & Playable Classical Alto-Flute
-96Khz / 3 Microphone Positions (Close, Decca, Wide)
-Direct download / Cloud Server System
-Product only available as download
-Ultra Hi-Def Recordings (96Khz)
-Recorded in symphonic hall w / 3 mics (Close, Decca, Wide)
-Lyrical and Strong Legato Patches
-Arcs, Marcato, Runs & Sustains
-Staccatissimo and Trills
-Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5 or later required

Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5 or later required

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