789ten – The Magnificence Producer Pack V.2 (WAV, SERUM, LOGIC, TUTORIAL)

By | June 13, 2021


Publisher: 789ten
Website: 789ten.com
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description: Any established producer will tell you that the best goal to achieve is to develop your own style. Endorsed by the legends Swedish House Mafia and Tiesto (to name a few), Magnificence are among the few in dance music that have created such a distinctively unique and quality sound.
This producer pack gives you the opportunity to be truly creative with world-class sounds and techniques, which is a key stepping stone to finding the sound that makes your music special.
“If you create music, the only thing you want to do with music is to have fun, right? So that should be your main goal – to have fun. ” – Robin of The Magnificence
Endless music versatility from Magnificence. Exclusively available at 789ten.com

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