789ten – NCBM Hardstyle Producer Pack Vol. 1 (WAV, TUTORIAL, LOGIC)

By | September 6, 2024


Publisher : 789ten
Website : 789ten.com
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

Description : A comprehensive pack from the manufacturer Hardstyle by Noisecontrollers and Bass Modulators.
The manufacturer’s package consists of 3 components:

Tutorial: The guys create a track in 3 hours with no pre-planned melodies or arrangement. They take the vocals all the way to the intro, verse, build and drop. Enjoy this tutorial with HD video and audio.

NCBM Sample Pack: Includes 86 samples from the NCBM repository of handpicked sounds. 11 claps, 6 crashes, 3 reverse cymbals, 15 impacts, 12 snares, 6 FX hits and 33 unique sounds that are INSANELY HARD… extremely twisted, nasty sounds with energy for days.

NCBM Logic Pro X Template: We literally could NOT believe they were willing to make this part of the package. You will be able to start writing your own tracks straight away with perfectly layered leads and synth support to start inspiring right away. You will have full access to the synth patches and processing of the track you will hear in the trailer. Plus they have Fx sounds, kicks and percussion as well as a very enticing yet manageable vocal processing rack to start using straight away. The vocal file is not included, you can get that from audentity-rec.com or if you add another vocal from elsewhere it will probably sound really good and sit nicely in the mix right out of the box… just tweak to taste! The most shocking part is all the synths and processing ONLY use what is already built into Logic Pro X. No need to worry about mastering because guess what? They don’t use anything on the main bus; they don’t use anything on the master bus. Sometimes they EQ the master a little, but on this track they didn’t use anything, and you’ll see that in the template file. The cutoff in Logic sounds really nice when you push the red to about 6 to 7 dB, as it effectively acts as a brick wall limiter. All these guys do is blend until everything sounds tight and cohesive. You’ll need Apple’s Logic Pro X software to use this template. PROMO

Content :
HD Tutorial Video in 1080p
NCBM Sample Pack with 86 Sounds
NCBM Logic Pro X Template Project File

Total running time of the tutorial:
3 hours 12 minutes 47 seconds

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