112dB – Jaws 1.0.0 (VST, VST3, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | February 17, 2019


Year / Release Date : 01.2019
Version : 1.0.0
Developer : 112dB
Developer site : 112db
Format : VST, VST3, AAX * (* * MODiFiED)
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present R2R
System requirements : Windows: 7, 8, 10 Microsoft Visual C ++ 2017 RP (x86, x64)

Description : 112dB announced the release of a dynamic bit dye, called Jaws. It offers sample rate reduction, preamp, I / O filters, and more. In addition, JAWS also has a resonant multifilter, which you can also modulate. This means that you can use Jaws in the usual way: add a little charm to samplers from the 80s by reducing the bit depth or sampling rate. Input and output filters, vintage color preamplifier and noise reduction let you get closer to the sound of the old school.
But most importantly, you can use all these effects creatively and smoothly. With the Envelope Follower, you can add more crunch to the loud parts of your track (or softer parts). LFO allows you to create all sorts of strange oscillatory transitions. At extreme settings, the sound will be changed beyond recognition.



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